Elizabeth Robinson

Summer 2024 | Poetry

Love Rhapsody

Two lovers leap from great height and


what they leap from is Love itself, the shoulder


of a great, hairy monster.  Monster of so great


a height that they must fall infinitely, the rush of


air chapping their genitals, their fingers entwined,


detached, entwined, all in the tension of weight


finding its own force.   Two


lovers do not fall in Love, for to do so would be to be


ingested, annihilated. But they vault from


Love as though the greatest peril is


the only natural escape.  Falling, falling.


Their words indecipherable against the friction


of atmosphere on the speed of their plummeting.


Their lips, had they been able to pause, would be


seen to be scarlet with windburn.  And Love


so stolid, so dumbfounded as they descend


with endless speed from Love’s hirsute perch.


Love, too motionless even to place a palm up and


catch them, the lovers.  Love’s monstrous


stillness.  Two lovers’ hair in air-snarled tendrils


pushed back from their foreheads, their


troth so fleet.  The monster Love an after-


thought to the chaos of their motion.  Love always


misbegotten, vast, and left behind.  Two lovers,


knees and nipples equally pink when so


rubbed by cloud and gale.   Endless and


not.  Finite and boundless, their commitment


to what they’ve left behind. Their vow to the


inevitability of gravity. The mutable silence of


the monster who would fall and fall into their


wake, only, if only Love could.

Elizabeth Robinson is the author, most recently, of Excursive (Roof Books) and Thirst & Surfeit (Threadsuns). Vulnerability Index is forthcoming from Curbstone Books in 2025. Robinson’s work has appeared in Conjunctions, Plume, Seneca Review and other literary periodicals. She has recently been the recipient of a Pushcart Prize and Editors’ Choice prizes from New Letters and Scoundrel Time.


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